Well, what do I write about?
I have hundreds of wonderful thoughts with hundreds of wonderful things to say...But when I sit at my computer actually trying to write...poof they are gone and my mind goes blank!
Does anyone else have this problem?
So maybe I will ramble and something good will come of it.
I sit in an office with hugh windows from floor to ceiling on one side of the room. And let me tell you it is cold. When the morning front desk people come in the temperature is in the 50's. With the help of a floor heater it finally reaches 65 by the time I come to the front desk. Still, I have to have the heater blowing directly on me to keep warm (the fact that people are constantly opening the front door and letting in the cold air doesn't help matters). Do you feel sorry for me yet?
I was thinking about the really cute things children say and I remembered when Krystal was three years old. Greg had been growing a beard for a couple of days. Krystal climbed up on his lap and just stared at the new growth. She gently rubbed it with her hands and then she said,"oo, doesn't that hurt"? "what" asked Greg. She replied," all those slivers in your face"?
One day Erik was about 3 and a neighbor had given the kids plain flour tortillas to eat. "Don't spill", she said. Erik looked at her and asked "does these have water in em"?
I was talking to a neighbor one day about how much I loved children. Ryan who was 4 looked up at me and said " you love little children"? What an eye opener. I realized that I needed to be kinder and more patient. Oh, the things our children can teach us if we will pay attention and soften our hearts.
I am taking an adult religion class at BYU on tuesday nights. The teacher seems to be a marvelous and interesting man named " Ronald Bartholomew. We are learning about the 2nd half of the New Testament starting with the book of Acts.
He said something that really hit home. Something I had always known but never really understood until that night. We were talking about the Holy Ghost and of course we all know that we are given the gift of the Holy Ghost when we are baptized. That he comforts, teaches and bears witness to us of truths (and much more). Well brother Bartholomew said " do you realize that the Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhood? That you have been given the gift of having a member of the Godhood with you at all times if you live worthily?
That thought fills me with humility and gratitude to know that we really are of such great importance to our Heavenly Father, his son Jesus Christ and the third member of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost. There really is a plan and each one of us is an important part of it. Sometimes I have felt like an ant or even an amoeba when compared with the humungous amount of individuals on this earth. How can each one of us be important? How can the Lord know each one of us?
Well if you think about it we have probably been around for millions of eons of time and, even now,
the Lords time, spacial abilities and dimension is different then ours. Who knows what he sees past, present and future.
I just know that he is aware of me and that he really truly loves me (ask me about it someday).
And if you think about it and remember those special witnesses given to you personally, you too will have a testimony that the Lord loves you.
Remember that I love you too!