Take your shoes off ... Sit a spell...
Ya'll come back now...Ya hear!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

First of all I would like to thank Jenny for helping me set up my blog. She was amazing and I could not have done it without her.

We had a totally fun time this last weekend camping as a family up AF Canyon. I would have turned off the rain switch however, if I had the chance. The Canyon was beautiful, green and lush and right down below our 5 tents was a stream that sounded like rain during the night (just not hitting the tent). Thanks to Adam for the canopy over one picnic table or we would not have had a dry table to eat at. Everyone did a marvelous job with their part of the food, we enjoyed Hawaiian Haystacks, Foil Dinners, Meat Sandwiches and PB and J Sandwiches with all the extras and delicious pancakes, bacon, sausage, OJ and eggs for breakfasts.
Sorry to say that Kristiena and Ryan were sick, but what troopers they were and they missed their own foil dinners to head home to the insta care.
Life got a little confusing, and sad during an incident with the camp nazi's over shooting a gun outside of camp limits (target practice). Talk about a hot head (the head camp director). We were very sad to see Adam and Jenny go, it all happened so fast and I was cooking dinner, it seemed like 10 minutes later and they were gone. Camping wasn't quite the same after that, there was a down feeling, and we really missed our family. The next day it rained and rained and rained. Trying to cook breakfast in the rain until I was soaked and the make shift tarp dripping, falling down and water running off the edge into the frying pans was quite the adventure. Breakfast still tasted good and then we decided to leave. Everyone packing up in the rain. The tents were wet and kind of dirty. We were Soaked!
Still, we will always remember this camp out with fond memories because everyone had such a great time laughing, reminiscing, riding 4 wheelers and fishing at silver lake.
What a great family we have! I am so grateful for each one of you, the direction you are going in your lives and the wonderful job you are doing raising your children, our Grandchildren.
Love Mom

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