Take your shoes off ... Sit a spell...
Ya'll come back now...Ya hear!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rain, rain, rain, believe it or not I miss the rain and the cool weather and the breeze which comes with it. I do not do well with warmer higher temperatures.
Today, I am grateful for my wonderful spouse. I am grateful for his "I know things are not going the way I want them to, stop, regroup, start again and keep on going attitude". He is amazing and a great example to me. I hope all of you appreciate the wonderful father that you have.
I am also grateful for my own wonderful father. He has always been a great example of faith. He didn't just teach us the words he actually walked the walk and we learned more from his example then words could ever teach us. Just a few examples:
He always honored his priesthood and tried to keep the Lords commandments. He was an intelligent business man and worked with many prestigious people in the community. During his business activities, other individuals would offer him alcohol but he never gave into peer pressure. In fact the President of Reynolds Aluminum would jump in an say "Give him orange juice, he doesn't drink" even before my father could speak for himself.
He was always generous with his money, And he always paid his tithes and offerings. When ever he saw missionaries on the street he would go up to them and give them each 100 dollars to help them out.
He was most diligent in fulfilling church callings.
As a child I remember going to the Garden Gate ice cream parlor for parfaits, the popcorn store for different flavors of popcorn, the drive in for Ice Cold root beer in frosty mugs, Artic (?) Circle for Fish and Chips and fresh lime squeezes and hostesses wearing roller skates. Wonderful trips to California, Disneyland and Knottsberry Farm. And wonderful Lake Powell. We were blessed with amazing opportunities because of him. He expected a certain kind of respectful behavior, but mostly I remember that he always loved me through out my life and I know that he always will. I could say a millions more things about him and maybe someday I will, but for now, I love you Dad, thank-you for everything.

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